Monday, May 11, 2009

Eulogy to a Ladybug

Yesterday I was swimming in the pool when a ladybug dangerously flew into the water. I felt that it was my duty as a human to save it because I could (and ladybugs are the only bugs that I don't let drown because they are cute). So, I fished the ladybug out with my hand and set it gently on the deck next to Divot who I thought would appreciate my action of kindness. He actually thought that I was giving him a snack. He licked up the ladybug and continued to take a few bites and spit it out and repeat the process several times until all that was left was a wing. Now, I understand that ladybugs are small and you'd think that one swallow would do the job, chewing may have not even been necessary, but I watched the gruesome scene and that's what happened. I feel that a drowning may have been more humane. So, as an apology to that ladybug, I am writing it a eulogy in cinquain poem form.

Six Spotted
Eaten to Death

Was Gone Too Soon
Only a Wing to Remember

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