Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lou Dobbs: No Bias, No Bull

Although this past week I should have been studying for finals, I have found myself unable to focus due to the overwhelming incoming of news headlines. I can't decide if there actually is an extra abundance of stories going on or if perhaps I have just discovered my mature self and therefore have felt the urge to be updated on life. One thing that I did find out was that watching the news is only necessary once a week. Every story will play over and over and over again until every ounce of juice is sucked out of it. So, for all those who happen to be living in a cave, here are the latest headlines...

Miss California had a question about gay marriage at the Miss America pageant. She said that she wasn't raised to believe in gay marriage, she believe's in opposite marriage.

The Swine Flu is not a pandemic yet, but it has the possility. The epicenter of the flu seems to be in Mexico where most of the deadly cases have been.

Senator Arlen Specter has switched parties from Republican to Democrat. It seems that after nearly 80 years of following certain ideals, he just found out that the other side is better.

Obama has passed his first one hundred days as President of the United States and... has fallen short of expectations.

And my personal favorite...

The United States government issued a Boeing 747 to fly low over Manhattan for a photo op. Obama was "furious" when he found out about it with the rest of the American public. (It seems to me that this is a lose lose for him. Either he knew about it to begin with, or he doesn't have control over the people who made it happen)

Now I realize that I said anyone living in a cave could get this update on my blog, but I suppose that living in a cave would limit access to the internet, so nevermind.

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